The AquaFill electronic water level controller is designed to fail in the open position, meaning that the 24-volt circuit to the solenoid is interrupted causing the solenoid that supplies the water to become non-operational. It is truly a “Fail-Safe” system, so consequently, the AquaFill is used by koi farms and breeders worldwide. The AquaFill’s only competition is the auto fill, which uses probes to sense the water level through conductivity. It requires an elaborate, electronic circuit board to accomplish this. Because of the many electrical component parts, there are many things that can go wrong with it and does.
There are many auto fill devices on the market today, however, most of them are mechanical floats similar to the toilet tank floats. Because they are mechanical devices, they are susceptible to malfunctions such as sticking, jamming, rusting, warping or corroding. as a result of this, most floats stick or malfunction in the closed position, resulting in an unchecked, continuous flow of water causing an overflow. If this happens in a koi pond, the result could be the chlorine or chloramine poisoning of the fish.
When you purchase an AquaFill product, you are supporting a Disabled American Veteran. Thank You!
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